Polyethylene slabs
Purpose: JSC Avangard manufactures a wide range of polyethylene slabs.
• slabs for protecting personnel against irradiation by fast neutrons made of the follow-ing materials: ПБ-3 (with 3 % boron), ПС-20-5Б (with 5% boron and 20% polystyrene). They are used at temperature of up to 100°C (130°C) and relative air humidity of up to 100%. Their use in water is also possible, including seawater, at temperature from -2°C up to +35°C.
borated slabs
• borated slabs are designed for application in constructions working at the temperature of up to 100°C and relative humidity up to 100%, and also in conditions of reactor irradia-tion. It is possible to use the slabs in water, including sea water, at temperature from –2°C to +35°C. The slabs are produced of high-pressure polyethylene with amorphous boron.
• polyethylene slabs are designed for layers, electric insulation, filling special construc-tions, leather articles stamping. They are made of high- and low-pressure polyethylene and of polypropylene.
Slabs for protection against roentgen and gamma rays
• X-ray rooms protection. Slabs for protection against roentgen and gamma rays are used in production of protecting screens, doors, partitions, wall panels. They are made of the composite material ППС-73Б (with barytic concentrate 74 +- 1,5%)
The slabs possess lead equivalent depending on the plate thickness:
8 mm - 0,9
10 mm - 1,2
12 mm - 1,6
Slabs sizes: 700 mm x 500 mm (with possible thickness of up to 70 mm).
1000 mm x 50 mm (with possible thickness of up to 70 mm).
According to the specifications of the client the production of slabs of any size is possible.
Polyethylene slabs manufactured by JSC Avangard are used by such organizations as
JSC «Research institute of steel» in Moscow, “Pilot production - nuclear research insti-tute” in Dubna, closed joint stock corporation “Doza” in Moscow, “High-energy physics institute” in Protvino, Moscow region, unitary enterprise “Atomtech” in Minsk.