Fiberglass body of the module means equipment protection, people protection
Purpose: Fiberglass body of the module is designed for protecting people and equip-ment against adverse climatic conditions.
1. Two-sectional module body М3250 Д 01.00.000
2. Four-sectional module body М3250 01.00.000
1. Inner diameter 3250 mm, outer diameter 3470 mm, outer length 9300 mm.
2. Inner diameter 3250 mm, outer diameter 3470 mm, outer length 18300 mm.
The basic material:
1. Glass-reinforced plastic СКН-21 ОСТ 3-485-77 (Т-13, ЭП-5122);
2. Glass-reinforced plastic on the basis of glass fiber cloth СММТ ТУ 6-11-171-76 on ЭП-5122 (the inner surface for static electricity removal);
3. Fire-resistant heat insulating slabs made of phenoplast ТУ 21-29-157-89 (its 100 mm thickness is equal in heat insulating to 1500 mm brickwork)